
BCA works with existing facilities and in the design development of new buildings to identify hazards, diagnose problems, and prescribe remedies.

Healthcare institutions are not at increased risk of pest bird issues because of their function in healthcare. Some are at risk simply because of their locations in urban environments.

Bird mitigation is crucial for healthcare facilities to maintain a safe and hygienic environment. Birds can introduce various health risks through their droppings, feathers, and nests. These contaminants can spread diseases and compromise the air quality within the facility, potentially impacting the health of patients, staff, and visitors.

When architects need to know how to protect healthcare institution projects from pest birds, they turn to Bird Control Advisory for help.

Implementing effective bird control measures is essential to prevent property damage, health code violations, and the transmission of diseases. By investing in professional bird mitigation services, healthcare facilities can ensure a clean, safe, and welcoming environment for all. Contact us today for any help and assistance with a bird mitigation design plan.



