
The rise of commercial solar systems on large building rooftops has brought about significant benefits in terms of clean energy generation and sustainability. However, these installations also pose challenges, particularly when it comes to pest birds.

Birds such as pigeons and seagulls are attracted to the sheltered and elevated environment provided by solar panels, where they can roost, nest, and cause various issues. Bird droppings can accumulate on panels, reducing efficiency and necessitating more frequent cleaning. Nesting materials and debris brought by birds can also lead to clogged drainage systems, further impacting the functionality of the solar array.

Gulls loafing on rooftop solar panels for warmth at the end of a long day.

To mitigate these problems, proper bird control measures tailored for solar installations are essential to protect the investment and ensure uninterrupted energy production.

As part of BCA Laser Systems, we have successfully installed autonomic Avix Mark II systems by Bird Control Group. These high-tech scare crows are an effective tool to substantially reduce bird activity on large area solar roof tops and ensure larger production from your solar array during peak season when nesting birds may be thinking otherwise.

Installation of Avix Laser to reduce pest bird activity on rooftop with solar panels

Principal Consultant Heath Waldorf performs maintenance on an Avix Mark II Laser System that patrols a rooftop with solar panels to deter gulls from dropping debris and breaking panels.

These systems only work when properly configured by a bird control expert and, like all sensitive equipment, are properly maintained. BCA has installed systems from Massachusetts to Florida.

Read more about the problems of birds on solar panels from Principal, Heath Waldorf’s, article in Solar Power World magazine here. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you.

