High Tech Harassment of Pest Birds. Immediate and Long-Lasting Results. Animal and Environmentally Friendly.
Installed by a Bird Control Expert.

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No more production drops.

No more expensive cleaning.

Bird Control Group AVIX Solution Provider

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Autonomic Installed Units

Avix is a low cost solution for large scale bird control protection. Used in lieu of bird netting for agriculture or instead of gull wire grids for large flat rooftops. Professional installation and onsite set up along the eastern seaboard.

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The Agrilaser line of handheld bird deterrent lasers is for use by trained facility operators, service providers, or individuals to actively manage a pest bird issue through harassment with a high-power laser.

Handheld Laser Units

Applications for Laser Bird Deterrents



The Agronomics are simple. An autonomic laser system that chases away pest birds increases your yields and preserves your profits.

The wide open spaces of neatly lined rows of crops make policing for pest birds a daunting task. Birds are not gone for long with gimmicky and fake products or when the solution is predictable.



Large open space rooftops have a bigger problem with bird deterrents than birds. For years the options haven not been good.

The science behind costly cable grid system installations does not compare to the strength of a high power laser beam to chase birds away.

If you have a solar array on your rooftop, an Avix Mark II system makes sure your panels stay clean and are producing at optimum efficiency.



The wide open access to the abundance of food and covered shelter make stadiums a prime target for flocks of pest birds. Arming trained staffers with handhelds is one option for handling problems.

Installing a series of high-powered permanently fixed systems will eliminate the drain on man-power to chase birds around, particularly during the off season when birds are less disturbed by activities.

Or call now: 973-552-8724